Here are the supplies I used to make the personalized topiaries:

**Note: There are some supplies in the picture that I DID NOT use in this project. I will only list the ones I used**
10 pack 3" garden pots- $1.00 from Dollar Tree, Spanish moss 2 bags- $1.00 a bag from Dollar Tree, River rocks-$1.00 a bag from Dollar Tree, Styrofoam balls & circles- 2/$1.00 from Dollar Tree, Mod Podge Matte- $6.99 from Hobby Lobby, Black spray paint- already had, glue gun- already had, Stick from tree in backyard- free, computer paper- already had
First, spray paint each pot black. (Use one pot for each letter of your last name). Let the pots dry.

For the letters for the last name, I got on Microsoft Word and opened a Wordart. I used font type Monotype Corsiva, size 96. Cut each letter out and set aside.

Take the styrofoam balls and use your glue gun to glue to spanish moss to each ball.

This is what they should look like once covered with moss.

Take your letters that you cut out and Mod Podge to adhere the letters to the pots. One letter per pot. Brush the Mod Podge over letter. Let dry. It will dry clear.

Take the styrofoam circles and cut in half to fit pot. Place one half in each pot. You may have to trim to fit.

Place a one stick inside styrofoam moss ball (I cut the sticks from my tree in the backyard). Each stick should be around 7 inches long.

Then, place the other end of the stick into foam inside pot.

Lastly, place a few river rock in pot to disguise the foam and weigh the topiary down.

All done. Turned out great!

I already had the book I purchased at Hobby Lobby and the tray was purchased prior at Ross.
Total approx cost for project: $10.00 :)
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